Bank Holiday travel information and opening hours

Make sure your travel plans are not hindered this Bank Holiday by checking any roadworks and shop opening times before you head out.

Train passengers are being told by National Rail not to travel to and from Euston station on Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27 due to a major power shutdown on the West Coast Main line.

Supermarkets are expected to open over the weekend with normal hours but will have different opening and closing times on Monday, August 28.

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The Asda on Bletcham Way will be open from 8am-8pm, Waitrose on Babbage Gate from 8am-8pm, and Sainsbury’s on Witan Gate from 8am-7pm.

Ongoing roadworks in the centre of Milton Keynes that may cause delays include Midsummer Boulevard, Childs Way overgate to V10, and the Newport Road junction with Fen Street. Roadworks on the M1 are also planned over the whole weekend for both northbound and southbound routes.