22 of the best jigsaw puzzles for adults: personalised puzzles, 3D, colour block, and more

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Bored of Netflix? Time to break out a fiendishly challenging jigsaw puzzle, unwind, and focus on a problem you know can be solved for a change. 

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T.S Eliot may have asserted that April was the cruellest month, but we challenge him on that: it has to be January. It's cold and dark, and we're financially stretched after Christmas and trying to cut down on indulgences after going for broke in December. And now we're in the tenth month of a pandemic, back in full lockdown, we've most likely already exhausted all of the other means of staying entertained at home.  

Enter: the not so humble jigsaw. There's no finer way of wiling the hours when the weather is miserable. Consider: it takes you away from doom-scrolling Twitter or ceaselessly searching Netflix for something worth watching. It's scientifically proven to be good for practising mindfulness, which helps us to stop dwelling on our anxieties and instead enjoy the moment.

Indeed, the impacts of doing a decent jigsaw on the body is surprising: your heart rate slows, blood pressure lows. Mentally, it's akin to meditation, working to alleviate stress. The fact that it allows us to exercise control over something – regardless of how small the task – has been shown to make people feel calmer, especially in times of crisis.  

But never mind the scientific justifications: the best thing about doing a jigsaw is that it is fun, a cosy, inexpensive activity to keep you entertained when it's cold outside. Here are 22 of the coolest  jigsaws available in the UK. Get solving! 

Never mind Wally – entertain yourself by searching for the Thin White Duke in a landscape of music paraphernalia, instead.

Art, debauchery, beauty, all in one iconic scene.

Challenge yourself with this beautiful illustration of Shakespeare's stomping ground in Elizabethan London.

One of the oldest libraries in Europe, the Oxford Bodleain is a wonderland for any booklover. This picture is a literary treat. 

We mentioned how calming jigsaws make you feel. Take it even further with this, the most famous image from legendary Japanese artist Hokusai, and loose yourself in the glory of nature

90s nostalgia is in full-swing. This witty puzzle is perfect for anyone who remembers the Fresh Prince, Buffy, Hugh Grant's arrest, or Friends with great fondness.

At 500 pieces, this jigsaw is a mite easier, and ideal for feline fans. 

Whereas this puzzle is for those who are seeking a challenge. Solid red means there are no clues in the image to help guide the pieces into place. 

Challenging and trippy. No edges make this a fiendishly puzzle to solve. 

We did this jigsaw over Christmas, and it was great fun. Small, but still challenging, there are no corner pieces, and some of the pieces are miniature renderings of African animals.

Love star-gazing? This NASA jigsaw will allow you to brush up on your star constellations as you work. 

Another challenging one: if a flat jigsaw is boring to you, this 3D solar system puzzle is sure to put your skills to the test.

So sweet- if you miss heading off to Button Moon, this 500-piecer will transport you right back to the felt wonderland.

Want to tailor a solid coloured jigsaw to the puzzle lover in your life? You can cheer them on by getting their name inscribed on this personalised puzzle.