Bolbeck Park murder victim is named by police

A woman in her 60s murdered after a burglary at a house in Bolbeck Park has been identified as being Hang Yin Leung.

The 64-year-old was at a property at Orne Gardens on January 31 when six men rushed the property The victim was knocked to the floor and one of the men held her down with a hand over her mouth.

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Murder investigation launched in Milton Keynes

The victim was taken to Milton Keynes Hospital, but died on Saturday, February 11. Formal identification of the victim took place today (Monday).

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A Home Office Post-Mortem examination took place on Thursday (16/2) and, as a result, a murder investigation was launched. The victim’s next of kin are continuing to be supported by a Family Liaison Officer.

Det Insp Andy Shearwood, from Thames Valley Police’s Major Crime unit, said: “A team of detectives is continuing to work to establish the circumstances of how Hang Yin Leung died. I believe there are likely to have been between four and six men ‘cold calling’ on doors in the area.

“I would still urge anyone who saw anything suspicious or any vehicles you did not recognise between the hours of 4pm and 8pm on Tuesday 31 January in Orne Gardens or the surrounding area to contact police. Your information, regardless of how insignificant you believe it may be, could be important to the investigation.”

The offender who came to the door is white, 6ft 2 ins, of large build, with a wide face, wearing a baby blue sweater with a high neck and jeans. He was also wearing fingerless gloves.

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The other men were white, with their faces covered. All were wearing dark tops and jogging bottoms or jeans.

>>> If you have any information which could assist the investigation, please call the 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101 quoting URN 1201 31/1.

If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers (opens new window) anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.