EDITOR'S COMMENT: Council must listen to the people of Milton Keynes on regeneration update

Spending £1 billion to regenerate seven estates that are simply past their sell-by date seems, in principle, to be an excellent idea.

But we can only imagine what it must be like, right now, to live on Fullers Slade, the Lakes Estate, Netherfield, Coffee Hall, Tinkers Bridge, Beanhill or North Bradville. None of these 16,000 householders really knows what to expect. Will their home be demolished? Where will they live? Will they lose their neighbours, their friends and their community?

And what will happen to owner occupiers? Will they be faced with huge bills from the council’s confusing ‘50/50’ partnership/company YourMK?

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We have worked hard this week to demand as many answers as we can from council leader Pete Marland because the official press release from MK Council/YourMK said...well, frankly very little.

“Full engagement” with the communities has been pledged before any plans are made. We know our readers have a lot to say. Please listen, Pete.

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