Fundraising begins to save the life of Milton Keynes feline

A three-year-old Burmese rescue cat is awaiting a operation to remove a life-threatening blockage to his bladder.

Woody was returned to HULA Animal Rescue in Aspley Guise in a lot of pain and in desperate need of veterinary treatment, when the potentially fatal blockage was discovered.

Nicola Leach, centre manager at the charity explains: “Rehomed last year, Woody is a gorgeous young cat with a lot of love to give.

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“Sadly, he arrived back in our care this week due to a severe medical condition he has developed, which his owner could not afford to treat.


“Our vets tell us that if Woody had not arrived in our care when he did, his bladder would have burst and he would have died.”

The charity is confident Woody can live a normal, happy life following surgery and at just three-years-old, your support can offer him many more years of happiness.

Nicola continues: “Woody is currently on a drip with a catheter installed due to the blockage to his bladder, which isn’t allowing him to pass urine naturally. He is awaiting an urgent operation to remove the blockage.”

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This life saving surgery will cost the rescue and rehoming charity £2,000 and without help, Woody’s condition will be fatal.

To help save Woody’s life, visit:

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