It's a record-breaker: Unemployment in MK plummets

Jubilant: City Jobcentre staff celebrate a record-breaking rise in employment in Milton Keynes.Jubilant: City Jobcentre staff celebrate a record-breaking rise in employment in Milton Keynes.
Jubilant: City Jobcentre staff celebrate a record-breaking rise in employment in Milton Keynes.
City Jobcentre staff are celebrating a record-breaking rise in employment that makes Milton Keynes a national success story.

Figures released this week show unemployment among 18 to 24-year-olds has plummeted by a whopping 25 per cent over the past year.

At the same time the number of people of all ages claiming benefits has fallen by almost 20 per cent – twice the national average rate.

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This means the city can now boast an employment rate of 76.5 per cent.

“This is a record-breaking set of figures and has got 2016 off to a fantastic start,” said CMK Jobcentre spokesman Charlotte Turrell.

“There are now more people in Milton Keynes in work than ever before. This is a credit to the hard-working people and businesses alike,” she added.

Unemployment has been dropping steadily in MK for the past five years. In 2010 there were 6,720 people claiming Jobseekers allowance, but today that is down to 2,045.

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The Jobcentre attributes much of the success to the “vibrant” nature of MK and the businesses it attracts.

“More employers are choosing to move their businesses here. Never a week goes by without a new job opportunities opening up, particularly in the hospitality, retail and warehouse sectors,” said Charlotte.

“Here at the Jobcentre we liaise closely with new employers moving into the area. We have a dedicated employer team to secure vacancies, training opportunities and work experience.”

Currently the Jobcentre team is working with a large distribution warehouse site on Magna Park, where there will be more than 200 new jobs on offer over the next four months.

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They also work with the Neighbourhood Employment programme to run 25 job clubs throughout the borough.

Milton Keynes South MP Iain Stewart said: “Milton Keynes’ economy is performing extremely well. We have strong growth in the service and manufacturing industries and I know confidence is high in local businesses with many looking to invest in the city over the next year.”

Mark Lancaster MP added: “Nationally we have made some difficult decisions and there are still more to be made but if we can stick to the road we are on and balance the books we will have stronger economy and a more secure future for families across Milton Keynes.”

Meanwhile anybody still struggling to find work can go to the MK Job show at Middleton Hall on January 29 and 30 to find out more about local vacancies and opportunities.

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