Milton Keynes Blue Light Hub travel plan approved after cock ups corrected

The Blue Light hubThe Blue Light hub
The Blue Light hub
A travel plan for the multi-million pound new Blue Light Hub for emergency services in Milton Keynes has been approved… but only after a couple of blunders were corrected.

Planning approval for the new emergency services hub at West Ashland has been granted, but Bucks Fire and Rescue Service has to get council approval for things like access and travel plans.

The access plans have been booted back by council officers for further consideration, and now it has emerged that there were problems with the travel plan, too. This includes how chiefs at the hub will be promoting cycling.

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“Although the travel plan was approved in 2016 with some comments to amend,” wrote MK Council transport planner Jacqueline Fairclough. “The travel plan that has now been submitted still has those amendments to be made.”

The Blue Light hubThe Blue Light hub
The Blue Light hub

The council pointed out that “within the promoting cycling sections the travel plan makes reference to Bridgend Borough Council and the provision of cycling maps, please correct to Milton Keynes Council.”

And they added: “There is also conflicting information regarding parking spaces within the travel plan. Within the body of the travel plan it mentions there are 81 spaces, however on the plan it states that there are 174 spaces.”

The travel plan also mentioned reporting highway problems through the ‘fix my street’ app, but the council pointed out that it has a method for reporting such matters, where it will be picked up and given an enquiry number to check progress.