Milton Keynes junior school under fire for snubbing Red Nose Day

Red Nose DayRed Nose Day
Red Nose Day
A school is under fire for snubbing Red Nose Day and allowing only selected pupils not to wear uniform on the big day tomorrow.

Greenleys Junior School originally planned to join thousands of schools nationally in encouraging pupils to pay £1 to wear mufti for Comic Relief, say parents.

But this week it did a U turn and announced only children with 100 per cent attendance could have the non-uniform privilege.

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Today the school made a formal announcement to parents that it was “not taking part” in Comic Relief Day.

Red Nose DayRed Nose Day
Red Nose Day

A notice on the parents' app read: "Tomorrow is Comic Relief day but the school is not taking part in this event as the children have been working hard to support their chosen year group charities. Thank you."

now some parents are threatening to keep their children off school tomorrow in protest.

“It’s so unfair,” said one mum. “It’s tradition in nearly all schools now that the children pay a pound to not wear uniform on Red Nose Day.

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“To allow it for a chosen few - and not even to collect £1 from them - is unfair and discriminating.”

Another mum said: “The children without 100 per cent attendance think they're being punished. Yet no child can help being too ill to go to school.

She added: “It just isn’t a very charitable attitude from the school on the biggest charity fundraising day of the year.”

“For most of the children, Comic Relief Day just won't be funny. It will be a sad way to spend the day.”

The Citizen is awaiting a comment from school head Vicki Thurstance.

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