Milton Keynes man, 62, jailed for '˜wicked and vile' sex abuse of young boy

Child abuseChild abuse
Child abuse
A 62-year-old man has been jailed for 14 years for sexually abusing a young boy more than 20 years ago.

David Butterworth, from Otterburn Crescent, Oakhill, Milton Keynes, started his “wicked and vile” offending 1991 when the victim was only five years old.

He continued to use the boy as a “sexual tool” until he reached the age of 15, Luton Crown court hear.

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The victim, who was also punched and kicked by Butterworth, reported the offences to police when he was in his 30s after receiving counselling.

Scales of JusticeScales of Justice
Scales of Justice

He said in his personal statement that the crimes had a lasting and lifetime impact on him.

Butterworth pleaded guilty to a number of sexual offences, including two counts of indecent assault and one count of indecency with a child.

The court heard he was a victim of abuse himself at an early age and he “exudes guilt and self loathing.”

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After the case, Detective Constable Rani Bailey from Bedfordshire Police’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Abuse unit praised the victim’s bravery.

He said: “I am pleased with the sentence that was handed to Butterworth, as he took advantage of his victim’s young age and abused him in the worst way possible.

“Child abuse is one of the most heinous crimes and it won’t be tolerated.

The detective constable added: “This is a good example of how it is never too late to report sexual abuse, no matter how long ago it took place.

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“I hope that this case shows to others that if you come forward, your voice will be heard and justice will be done.”

An NSPCC spokesman said: ““Butterworth is a predator who selfishly robbed a young boy of his childhood, but his sickening crimes have finally caught up with him thanks to the bravery of his victim in speaking out.

“It is vital that children are able to recognise the signs of abuse, and that they know where to turn for help. We want survivors of abuse to know they can come forward in the knowledge they will be listened to.”

Adult victims of child sexual abuse can call the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000, while Childline is there for young people on 0800 1111 or by visiting

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