Milton Keynes man provides orphans with much-needed new kitchen

The old kitchenThe old kitchen
The old kitchen
A Milton Keynes man who has 'adopted' a orphanage full of disabled children in Ghana has helped make mealtimes a joy for them.

Gordon Redgrift founded ADDO - Action for Disability and Development in Offinso - to improve the life of the youngsters.

They all attend the Offinso centre for physically challenged youngsters to learn skills to learn independent lives in the future.

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Gordon has already helped provide a fresh water supply for the centre, as well as building toilets and stocking the dormitories with 65 mattresses and mosquito nets.

The new kitchenThe new kitchen
The new kitchen

But one of the biggest problems was the lack of cooking facilities and meals were prepared on the floor in a makeshift hut.

ADDO vowed to provide a new purpose-built kitchen. UK fundraisers Meeting Needs agreed to help and this month the project was completed.

Anybody wanted to help ADDO or to know more about its work can email [email protected]

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