'Evil' 28-year-old son of Milton Keynes vicar had 'full-blown' sexual relationship with 82-year-old woman

Ann Moore MartinAnn Moore Martin
Ann Moore Martin
Evil Benjamin Field entered into a full-blown sexual relationship with the second victim, 83-year-old Catholic Ann Moore-Martin, the court heard.

He and Smith tricked her into believing she was receiving biblical messages from God by write messages on her mirrors, the court heard..

Field, who was also dating two other women at the same time, had written a list of methods he would use to "get rid of" Ms Moore-Martin while making it look like self-euthanasia These included a heart attack, dehydration, and sex in the bath and church tower.

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Their sexual relationship was proven by a photograph he took of her performing a sexual act on him without her knowledge, the court heard.

Ann Moore MartinAnn Moore Martin
Ann Moore Martin

Suspicions began to be raised when she commented to a friend that Field had given her a white powder to help her sleep after she was hospitalised following a seizure - suffered as a result of the pair’s attempts to murder her, the court heard.

She told friend Ellen Gordon "it worked better than the tablets the doctors have given me."

Mr Saxby said that by the time the defendants collected Mr Farquhar’s will, they had turned their attention on to their next ‘client’, Ms Moore-Martin, who lived a couple of doors down from Mr Farquhar in Maids Moreton.

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He said: “Again, Field and Ms Moore-Martin became friends. Again, they entered into a relationship - one that was undoubtedly sexual.

Ben FieldBen Field
Ben Field

“We know that not least because of entries in Field’s records but also because he used his phone to take a photograph of her performing a sexual act on him. Not that she was aware he had taken the photograph - he did it without her being able to see. Something to blackmail her with, presumably, if the need arose.

“Moreover, between them, Field and Smith embarked on a campaign of ‘mirror writing’. That is to say, using a white marker such as is used on boards outside restaurants, they wrote things - messages - on Ms Moore-Martin’s mirrors at home. These messages were biblical in nature; and Ms Moore-Martin ended up believing they were messages from God - Field would speak of having received them too.

“Amongst other things, the messages were telling Ms Moore-Martin to leave Field her house, that if she did, she would be doing the will of the Lord. Which is what she duly did.”

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The court heard Ms Moore-Martin had contacted her solicitor and cited the mirror writings as a reason for why she wanted to make Field the beneficiary of her will. Her solicitor became concerned when she realised Mr Farquhar had done the same thing shortly before his death and Field consented for this to be disclosed to Ms Moore-Martin. Despite this, she still changed her will.

Peter FarquarPeter Farquar
Peter Farquar

“By which time, she had started feeling very unwell and had started worrying about her own sanity. The gaslighting had taken effect. Not least because, as they had done with Mr Farquhar, Field and Smith started disorientating her. For instance, hiding things around her house so she thought she had lost them - only then miraculously to find them for her, in obvious laces where only someone losing their mind would not have seen them.”

The jury heard that the defendants had encouraged Ms Moore-Martin to suicide and plotted ways to kill her that would make it look like suicide, or ‘self-euthanasia’, as a book in Field’s possession referred to it.

He said: “These options for killing included, and I quote, ‘Heart attack - electrical device, dehydration, stair, sex?, in the bath?..OD on her prescriptions...church tower...sleep apnoea.

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“Their attempts to kill her culminated in her admission to hospital on February 2 2017, having had a seizure. She was taken to Milton Keynes Hospital. There, her niece was able to see her. And discuss things with her. Without Field having access to her - in effect, Ms Moore-Martin was in quarantine.

“Before she died, Ms Moore-Martin spoke of Field having given her some white powder to make her sleep better.

“Her niece, Anne-Marie, got the police involved and an investigation commenced - not only in relation to what was happening to Ms Moore-Martin but also what happened to Mr Farquhar. Two months later, having spent time in a care home and some months after her first seizure, Ms Moore-Martin passed away.”

The court heard Ms Moore-Martin had died a few months short of her 84th birthday and that she was unmarried and had no children. She was a retired teacher and a regular church-goer, like Mr Farquhar, but she was a Catholic. She was also an intensely private person and fundamentally lonely, the court heard.

The trail was adjourned until tomorrow.