'Police are ignoring us' say burglary victims robbed of jewellery worth £60,000 in Milton Keynes

Asian goldAsian gold
Asian gold
A elderly couple robbed of more than £60,000 worth of gold jewellery have been "ignored" by police, their family has claimed.

Their Bradville home was burgled on a Monday evening, while they were out at a family function, and the thieves ransacked and trashed the entire first floor.

They made off with all the 22 carat gold necklaces, bracelets and rings that had been the woman's dowry when she married in Pakistan three decades ago.

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"There was between £60,000 and £70,000 worth of Asian gold, and all the items were of great sentimental value and irreplaceable," said the couple's son.


"The effect on my parents was huge. They had lived happily in that house for 27 years without any problems. Now they do not feel safe any more," he said.

"The burglars went through every drawer and every cupboard upstairs - even in the loft. they got everything out and left it all over the floor. It was terrible."

Police were called as soon as the burglary was discovered and arrived three hours later to take a statement. The following morning a forensic team arrived to test for fingerprints.

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"That was three weeks ago, since then we have not heard a thing from police. We feel they are ignoring us. We told them the neighbour across the road has CCTV but police didn't go and get it. It's been taped over now, we're told," said the son.

The shock and aftermath of the burglary led to his mum suffering a heart attack on October 4, they said. She is now recovering at home after surgery to fit two stents.

"Ultimately we are extremely disappointed with Thames Valley Police for the lack communication and investigation," said the son.

The family wanted their story told to warn other people, particularly those with high value Asian gold, of the danger of burglary.

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A police spokesman told the Citizen today: "Thames Valley Police officers were called at about 8.30pm on 21 October following reports of a burglary at a property in Mercers Drive, Bradville. Our officers respond to all incidents based on threat, harm and risk to the public, and as this was an evening of high demand in the area, which included an investigation to locate a high risk missing person, officers were unable to attend immediately. This was explained to the victims, and was then explained again when officers attended the address later that evening."

The spokesman added: "An investigation into the offence began and is ongoing, with a number of enquiries having been carried out since. If anyone has any information about this incident, they are encouraged to call 101, quoting reference number 1362 (21/10)."