Pictures show devastation in Olney after JCB is used to force entry in to Barclays Bank

Firefighters on the scene in the early hours of this morning

Pic: @BucksfireFirefighters on the scene in the early hours of this morning

Pic: @Bucksfire
Firefighters on the scene in the early hours of this morning Pic: @Bucksfire
These dramatic images show the scene that met police officers in Olney High Street in the early hours of this morning (Sunday).

Officers had been called at around 3.05am following reports a JCB had been used to force entry in to Barclays Bank.

The ATM had been stolen and significant damage caused to the building.

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Police closed the High Street to recover the vehicle and to ensure public safety while the integrity of the building is assessed. Firefighters were called in to assist.

An ATM was been stolen and significant damage been caused to the building

Pic:@BucksfireAn ATM was been stolen and significant damage been caused to the building

An ATM was been stolen and significant damage been caused to the building Pic:@Bucksfire

Inspector Kellie Smith said: “I would first like to thank the public for their patience in this matter.

"This is an ongoing investigation and I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to any witnesses who may have seen or heard what happened to get in touch.

"You can do this by calling the 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101 quoting reference ‘43180231409’.

"If you would prefer to remain anonymous, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 500 111 or you can you can make a report online”