Pledge to set up a Milton Keynes Lottery to benefit local causes

MPMC MK LotteryMPMC MK Lottery
MPMC MK Lottery
A Milton Keynes Lottery will be set up by the city's Conservatives should they take control of the council after May's local elections.

The move would make Milton Keynes only the second council in the country to launch its own community lottery to benefit good causes.

The Lottery would raise money for local community and voluntary groups from a weekly draw, with the potential for players to win a cash jackpot.

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The Conservatives have said the lottery would see strengthen the relationship between the council and local voluntary groups.

Councillor Edith Bald,leader of the Conservative council group, said: “I am delighted to announce today (March 1) that we are pledging to create a Milton Keynes Community Lottery should we take control from Labour in May.”

“Over the last couple of years relationships between the council and voluntary organisations appear to have become strained.”

She added, “This innovative approach is one of things we would do to provide more support to the voluntary sector who do a vital job across the whole borough. Through the Lottery we will be able to give weekly grants to good causes across the city. I believe the potential is enormous.”

The Lottery would work in a similar way to the National Lottery, however all funds raised will be spent in the Milton Keynes Borough.

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