Tory candidate for Milton Keynes Central says city needs sustainable and controlled growth plan

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The Conservative parliamentary candidate for the new seat of Milton Keynes Central, has been campaigning full time since quitting his job last year, knocking on over 7,000 doors to push for more infrastructure before expansion in Milton Keynes.

Johnny Luk has strong roots in Milton Keynes. He grew up in Middleton to parents from Hong Kong and Taiwan, went to Heronsgate School in Walnut Tree, and then Bedford Modern School where he won the gold medal in the National Schools Regatta in rowing.

Johnny went on to study Natural Sciences at Durham University before spending 12 years working in the government and private sector in a range of roles, including as Head of Digital Inclusion in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and as Head of Strategy and Policy for The Adecco Group UK.

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His parents still live in MK; his father is retired and his mum works in a local warehouse. Johnny currently lives in Wavendon with his wife, Diane.

Johnny Luk canvassing during a rally in Milton Keynes last monthJohnny Luk canvassing during a rally in Milton Keynes last month
Johnny Luk canvassing during a rally in Milton Keynes last month

Johnny said: “I have seen Milton Keynes change before my eyes. While we need housing nationally, Milton Keynes – under this Labour council, has consistently built well above national targets, putting pressure on our local services, particularly our NHS, gridlocking our famous road system, and wiping out our green spaces.

“Conservatives like myself have been working hard for more infrastructure and we’ve made great progress. Let’s take the local NHS, where we’ve recently had a hospital expansion, two new diagnostic centres, and the new Maple Centre. We are also digitalising GP phonelines and launched Pharmacy First to provide faster access to a range of antibiotics. We’ve also secured funding for the Huge Women’s and Children’s


“In contrast, the Labour candidate – a member of the Labour-led Council, threatens to undermine all of this hard work by pushing aggressively to expand MK and his council are now planning to increase the number of houses by a whopping 63,000.

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“This would be a 50% plus increase in our urban footprint, expanding outwards rather than focusing on our older estates, and will almost double the population of MK. As your Conservative candidate, I believe this is far too much and too fast, and we need to prioritise current residents’ needs at the centre of any future expansion.

“Alongside Labour’s mismanagement of local taxpayers’ money, such as the £1 billion regeneration project it has since abandoned, I am concerned about Keir Starmer’s national policies and the impact this will have on us. Labour’s intention to change planning rules will suppress local people’s voices on local developments, threatening our Green Belt and towns and villages such as Woburn Sands.

“The choice for residents in Milton Keynes Central is clear. This is a two–horse race between myself and the Labour candidate, I am the only one who can send a clear message that we want a more sustainable and controlled growth plan for MK.

“Milton Keynes will be a very close contest. In the recent local elections, we increased the % of votes in our new constituency compared to last year, with Labour failing to take any additional council seats from the Conservatives. We also defended one of our largest Wards, Danesborough and Walton, with a 10% increase in our vote, a seat we lost to Labour the year before. Our campaign and your voice has real momentum and is

bucking the national narrative.

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“Alongside mass urbanisation, we also need to fight to attract investment and enterprise into MK, which will drive jobs and opportunities and put showcase our potential. This Conservative government has already started cutting and will continue to cut taxes to reward hard work and boost the tens of thousands of young people who have taken up apprenticeships in MK.

“Our flagship investment, East West Rail, will attract innovation and investment into MK by connecting us directly to Oxford and Cambridge. But we need to do this right, taking into account local needs. For example, I live near Woburn Sands, and the crossing will need to be sorted, including putting in place a pedestrian bridge.

"If you want a local MP, who grew up and lives here, who wants to save what’s special about Milton Keynes and keep our surrounding towns and villages green and thriving, then vote for me on July 4.”

Click here to find out more about Johnny and his campaign.

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