Toys bring cheer to Milton Keynes children's ward at Christmas

Andrea Dem and 
Eniko Kerekes with the presents they wrappedAndrea Dem and 
Eniko Kerekes with the presents they wrapped
Andrea Dem and Eniko Kerekes with the presents they wrapped
A huge donation of toys brought plenty of Christmas cheer to children's wards.

Milton Keynes University Hospital and Bedford Hospital welcomed a £3,000 toy donation from the nearby Amazon fulfilment centre.

Each hospital received £1,500 worth of toys for children receiving treatment at the hospitals to unwrap for Christmas. The team at Amazon in Milton Keynes wrapped and delivered the gifts to the hospital in time for them to open at Christmas.

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Amazon Milton Keynes general manager, Scott Wharton, said: “We are happy to offer this donation of toys to the children’s wards of Milton Keynes University Hospital and Bedford Hospital. Every child deserves to smile at Christmas and the Amazon Milton Keynes team wanted to help ensure that all children in our community enjoy the magic of Christmas.”

Dawn Clark, corporate fundraiser from Milton Keynes University Hospital charity, added: “On behalf of the hospital, our young patients and their families, we are extremely thankful for this generous donation from the local Amazon team. This can be a difficult time of year for many of the patients and their families who aren’t able to return home for Christmas. We are grateful for every opportunity to bring Christmas cheer to the hospital.”

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