New 'circus tent' roundabout putting Milton Keynes motorists in a spin

The 'circus tent' roundaboutThe 'circus tent' roundabout
The 'circus tent' roundabout
A city Alderman is demanding the council redesigns a new grid road new roundabout “resembles a circus tent” after it has prompted two accidents in two weeks.

Built against the wishes of many residents, the layout of the Dansteed Way roundabout and nearby Toucan crossing close to the crematorium is a hazard to even the safest road user, claims former councillor Paul Bartlett.“It is simply unbelievable that the council has approved such a dog's breakfast of a road scheme. It breaks all the rules of the unique MK grid road system and creates traffic dangers at every turn”, he said.The roundabout,`which has a bright red ring of tarmac around it, was approved single-handedly by Cabinet member for highways Councillor Martin Gowans.“It’s crazy... There are bus stops right on top of a crossing and an off-centre roundabout which itself has a blind spot and resembles a circus tent,” said Mr Bartlett. Because of the unusual layout, the council has already reduced the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph and built chicanes on that stretch of the road.But with two accidents in less than two weeks, Mr Bartlett still feels it is unsafe, saying buses block the view of the carriageway and drivers are forced to negotiate the roundabout at an odd angle due to the layout. “I am calling for a full and honest explanation of the chaos of this Mr Bean saga on Dansteed Way,” he said.

The Citizen is awaiting a comment from Milton Keynes Council.