Agard sidelined with knee injury but does not need an operation

Kieran AgardKieran Agard
Kieran Agard
"It will take a little while to get back to fitness which is really unfortunate for him"

Kieran Agard could be out for a lengthy spell after suffering a knee injury in training.

Dons 2019/20 top-scorer is likely to be something of a bit-part player under Russell Martin, having played only a handful of times since the manager took over in November. But news of his injury, along with knocks to Daniel Harvie, Rhys Healey and George Williams were confirmed by Martin on Monday.

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"It's nothing too major. Kieran is the longest of those but hopefully he'll be back fit and ready. Kieran took a whack in training, we've scanned his knee and it doesn't need an operation but it will take a little while to get back to fitness which is really unfortunate for him.

"George came back in incredible shape but picked up a calf injury. He got better last week but felt it a bit again. We have to be patient, it's a long season – I'd rather he looked after himself now rather than rushing to get back.

"Rhys is the same. He felt his calf after Stevenage... he actually felt it before Stevenage but he didn't tell anyone! Typical Rhys he thought he could run it off, but now he's tweaked it. But he's fine, we just didn't want to risk him, it's nothing to worry about. We hope he'll be back at the end of the week.

"Danny Harvie has just experienced an increase in tempo with training and played a lot of minutes, covers the most ground every day in training so he just needs a rest."