Dons sending a weekly COVID-19 report to EFL

Simon Crampton, Dons' Head of Sports Science and MedicineSimon Crampton, Dons' Head of Sports Science and Medicine
Simon Crampton, Dons' Head of Sports Science and Medicine
Players in touch with Dons' medical staff to discuss their contact with the virus

Dons physio Simon Crampton compiled a weekly report for the EFL to keep them up-to-date with the health of the players.

With the safety of players at the forefront of any notion of getting football back underway during the COVID-19 pandemic, Crampton, Head of Sports Science and Medicine at Stadium MK, is in regular contact with the squad to monitor whether they have come into contact with the virus in any way.

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With other clubs following suit, the EFL can also gauge the threat and form judgements on when it may be safe for teams to return to training again.

Dons chairman Pete Winkelman said there had been no reports of the virus amongst the players.

He explained: "We report to the EFL every week, who has been in contact with who, whether COVID-19 is near them in their family, we've got all the full details. That's part of the information the EFL have to work out how many people have been exposed to it, the numbers behind it and whether we can get back to training again.

"It's all part of the information and data you need to make these big decisions. You will never get these decisions right. Whatever decision will never be right because you can always criticise. But everyone in the football authorities is looking at how to take the project forward.

"I want us to be there, to do what we need to do when we need to do it."