Position change helped Kemp keep up with Salah and Haaland

Dan KempDan Kemp
Dan Kemp
The MK Dons man says a move inside brought the best out of him last year

Being given the opportunity to play in his preferred position helped MK Dons' Dan Kemp become one of the most prolific players in 2023.

The 25-year-old had a sensational calendar year, with 22 goals and 10 assists while out on loan with Hartlepool United and Swindon Town - numbers which put him in the top five most productive players in the English game. Mo Salah (39) and Erling Haaland (38) topped the charts, while on scoring alone, Kemp was in the top eight in the country.

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Flattered by the comparisons, Kemp said he transformation from a wide player to operating primarily through the middle helped him considerably in upping his productivity and involvement.

"One of the biggest transformations for me was going from a wide man when I first signed, to now playing as a number 10," he said. "It suits me so much more. I'm able to show more of what I'm good at: in and around the box, creating and scoring. Changing position has been a big evolution of my game, and the way this team enables me to get into those positions more.

"I had more of a free role at Swindon, and it's more of a structured team here. But after speaking to the coaches, they want to get me into those positions and trusting the players around me. I'm always talking to them about how to improve."

He continued: "To be put alongside those players is a bit different - they're doing it at an unbelievable level! But I can only play the level in front of me. It was an unbelievable year. I just got into a momentum, going into games thinking there was a good chance I'd score, and it brings about so much: confidence, knowing what you want to work on in training, and a level headedness.

"I was delighted with 2023 but anyone who knows me as a person knows I want to do more, and I hope I can finish this season and 2024 off well as well."