Uvira leads home an MKRC 1-2 finish in Nottingham

Matyas UviraMatyas Uvira
Matyas Uvira
The summer rowing season got off to a flying start for MK Rowing Club with two wins in the Nottingham Masters and Club regatta.

At the start of the day Matyas Uvira (pictured) and John Smith braved the strong wind and waves in the Open 1x event. Both handled the tough conditions extremely well, with Matyas coming through over the second half of the course to cross the line first, followed by John in second.

At the other end of the day, under slightly calmer conditions, Karen Wilson, Jayne Skeith, Lisa Goodship, Alice Draper, Jo Heywood, Clare Lawson, Helen Smith and Suzanne DeMaine, coxed by club captain Chris Wilson, took first in the Women’s Masters C 8+. Some timely pushes, expertly called, allowed the crew to slowly pull away from the competition in a very close race.

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The club was also represented by Women's Masters B and C4+'s, finishing second and third respectively. In the Masters C 2x, Jenny Searle and Helen Marshall battled the choppy water well, to secure third place, and a Men's Open 4+ started the season in second position, behind a very strong Cambridge 99 crew. The men's 8+ showed great potential, staying in the mix off the start, but lost out to more experienced crews in the rough water, finishing fifth.

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